ASET Florida Chapter

Looking for a local organization to help your career and education in neurodiagnostics? You’re in the right place!

Florida Local

Access to other local Florida professionals to brainstorm and socialize with. New technology and techniques shared regularly.


Select webinars and in-person ABRET CEUs at discounted rates to assist in obtaining and maintaining your credentials.


Information on potential licensure and public forum on licensure sponsorship, rallies, and government contacts.

National ASET

Looking to connect with people all over the country and learn more about neurodiagnostics? You’re in the right place!

Nationwide Resources

National conferences and webinars offered to all members in a variety of locations throughout the year. Members from across the nation.

The Neurodiagnostic Journal

Quarterly printed and online copies of the Neurodiagnostic Journal for recent research and scientific articles.


Information on potential licensure and public forum on licensure sponsorship, rallies, and government contacts.